You locked eyes across the computer lab. He begged your roommate for your number. She joined the intramural soccer team just to catch your eye. You’ve been telling your friends and family the “how we met” stories since you got together —now tell us and you could win a sweetheart’s package for Homecoming weekend—February 4–6, 2011!
We’re launching the Sweetheart 16 contest this fall, and we want to hear your story! Enter by telling us all about you and your honey’s Mason connection: Did you meet here? Go on dates to the Rat? Did he propose here? We’ll select our favorite 16 stories and then open it up to a vote, NCAA Tournament bracket-style.
Click here for more information. The contest begins November 8. But why enter? How about to win a two-night stay at the brand-new Mason Inn Conference Center and Hotel, including breakfast and dinner; primo seats to the Homecoming men’s basketball game; and more goodies. Because what’s better than love and basketball?
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