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Mason Spirit is published three times a year by the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations in conjunction with the Office of Communications and Marketing.
Archive for August, 2011
Mason Hosts First “Academic” Lodge in Virginia
by Mason Spirit contributor on August 30th, 2011

George Mason University has become the site of the first “academic” Freemason lodge in Virginia. Formed last fall, the Patriot Lodge has already held meetings and participated in several campus events.
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Mindful Living LLC: A Home All Their Om
by Lisa M. Gerry on August 1st, 2011

While my dorm experience was less of the yoga mat and meditation variety (and more carryout and cramming), there is a whole new generation of students who are looking to enhance their college experience. As Mason’s campus community continues to grow with more than 5,400 on-campus residents, so too do its offerings for Living Learning…
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