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Mason Spirit is published three times a year by the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations in conjunction with the Office of Communications and Marketing.
Letter from the Alumni Association
Greetings, Fellow Patriots
By Mason Spirit contributor on October 31, 2012
I am honored to serve as the new president of the George Mason University Alumni Association. In July, Mason embarked on a new era when Dr. Àngel Cabrera began his tenure as president. We look forward to working with President Cabrera as he builds on the strong foundation laid by former president Alan Merten.
As Mason Turns 40
By Mason Spirit contributor on May 8, 2012
Our students and alumni reflect Mason’s global presence, and we will continue to have a lasting impact on the world. Quite a statement! As we think about Mason’s core educational mission and our hopes for Mason’s future students, we are reminded about the role each of us has in continuing the Mason legacy by ensuring that future students enjoy the same opportunities that we enjoyed.
Greetings, Mason Alumni!
By Mason Spirit contributor on October 25, 2011
Greetings, Mason Alumni The Alumni Association worked right through the summer, and now staff and board volunteers prepare for our annual Alumni Weekend (September 29 to October 2, 2011) and Homecoming (February 2012). Reconnecting alumni with each other and the university is central to the mission of the Alumni Association. I am particularly mindful, as…
Greetings, Mason Alumni
By Mason Spirit contributor on May 10, 2011
As I write this, I can see the beautiful snow in front of our house—no one has walked through the white blanket that covers everything. While I love its beauty, at some point I will need to walk through the snow, leaving behind a trail of footprints that others may follow. I liken that image…
Dear Mason Nation
By Mason Spirit contributor on November 1, 2010
It is indeed a privilege to serve as the new president of the George Mason University Alumni Association. Mason was a wonderful place for me as a student, and I smile when I think about its bright future. The great part of being alumni is that our Mason story continues. During my two years as…
A Time for Inspiration, Reflection, and Looking Ahead
By Mason Spirit contributor on April 1, 2010
In April, the George Mason University Alumni Association honored the 2010 alumni award recipients at the Celebration of Distinction. This annual ceremony has evolved into a hallmark event for the university at large, and a look at the awardees reveals why. The work of our alumni in leadership, research, volunteerism, entrepreneurship, and leading-edge thinking helps…
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A New Tradition for Mason
By Mason Spirit contributor on October 7, 2009
October 2-4 was our first ever Alumni Weekend at George Mason University. With your help and participation, we had an incredibly successful and fun weekend. I know many of you were amazed at the enormous growth that has occurred on the Fairfax campus since your last visit and at the numerous construction projects still underway….
Tradition from the Nontraditionalists
By Mason Spirit contributor on April 4, 2009
Today, Mason has several bustling campuses with a large on-campus student population, history, and tradition. Tradition? Yes, we do have tradition at Mason. Our alumni remember Mason Day, International Week, Greek Week, and a host of other annual activities from their time as students that were started by our Mason pioneers and firmly established as…