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Mason Spirit is published three times a year by the Office of Advancement and Alumni Relations in conjunction with the Office of Communications and Marketing.
Archive for November, 2010
HIV Awareness: Mondo Making it Work at Mason Saturday!
by Jason Jacks on November 30th, 2010

Just to keep you alumni up on what’s happening on your old stomping grounds, reality show celeb Mondo Guerra, or just Mondo, thank you (how couture!), will be on Mason’s Fairfax Campus most of this Saturday as part of the university’s HIV Awareness Week. For you diehard Project Runway fans, the following couple sentences are…
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The Hills Are Alive with the Names of Mason Grads!
by Jason Jacks on November 22nd, 2010

Perusing the World Wide Web in search of Mason-related people, places, and things to write about the other day, I threw caution into the wind and clicked on Mason’s Wikipedia listing. My initial reaction to what I stumbled across? “Well, what do you know? Look who graduated (or at least took a class or two)…
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The Mason Nation Is Heading to Charleston!
by Jason Jacks on November 17th, 2010

How about some good food, beer, and music? Throw in a round of golf. Add a gorgeous location and your favorite basketball team to cheer for, and what do you get? A trip to Charleston, S.C.! Coach Larranaga and the rest of the men’s basketball team are heading to coastal South Carolina this weekend to…
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Don’t Forget to Enter Our Sweetheart 16 Contest
by Leah Kerkman Fogarty on November 16th, 2010

Win a Homecoming Weekend Prize Package by Entering Our Sweetheart 16 Contest! Tell us how you and your sweetheart are connected to Mason and you could win tickets and lodging during Homecoming Weekend 2011, February 4–6. We launched the Sweetheart 16 contest a little more than a week ago and the stories have just poured…
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‘I’m Just Living the Dream!’
by Jason Jacks on November 15th, 2010

As the caffeinated followers of Starbucks cheer the news that the coffee behemoth may soon add alcohol to its menu, David Gwathmey, MBA ’06, has one thing to say: been there, done that—and rather successfully, we might add. “I’m flattered,” he says of Starbucks’ plans. “It looks like Grape + Bean all the way!” Gwathmey,…
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Final Four Commemorative Bobbleheads to be Handed Out to Fans!
by Jason Jacks on November 10th, 2010

It’s been five seasons already? To mark the historic occasion when Coach Larranaga took a scrappy yet determined Mason men’s basketball team to the Final Four, Mason will be giving out bobbleheads of the ’05-’06 starters at five games this season. Yes, they’re all represented: At the December 1 game against George Washington, the first…
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Extra Credit: Five More Reasons to Go to Class
by Leah Kerkman Fogarty on November 8th, 2010

You’ve read about the 20 great reasons to go to class from the Fall 2010 issue of the Mason Spirit. As promised, we’ve done a little extra credit: five more amazing classes offered at Mason. 21. The American President Many universities require history and poli sci students to take a course on the American presidents,…
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Surfing the Net? Then Catch the New Mason Alumni Website
by Jason Jacks on November 4th, 2010

Hey alum! While sitting in your office cube, wishing Mason had a video game design degree when you were here, hop online and hang 10 over to the new Mason Alumni Association website. Recently launched, the colorful and interactive site is your one-stop-shop for staying connected to your old stomping grounds (remember waking up in the…
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Self-Study Teacher Research: Improving Your Practice through Collaborative Inquiry
by Mason Spirit contributor on November 2nd, 2010

Self-Study Teacher Research: Improving Your Practice through Collaborative Inquiry Anastasia P. Samaras, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education Designed to help teachers plan, implement, and assess a manageable self-study research project, Self-Study Teacher Research: Improving Your Practice through Collaborative Inquiry (Sage Publications, April 2010), this textbook covers the foundation, history, theoretical underpinnings, and methods of…
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Organizational Learning at NASA: The Challenger and Columbia Accidents
by Mason Spirit contributor on November 2nd, 2010

Organizational Learning at NASA: The Challenger and Columbia Accidents Julianne G. Mahler, Associate Professor of Government and Politics Organizational Learning at NASA: The Challenger and Columbia Accidents (Georgetown University Press, April 2009) thoroughly examines NASA’s loss of the space shuttles Challenger and Columbia. After offering an account of the processes that constitute organizational learning, Mahler…
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